Monday, August 29, 2011

Post Hurricane #Irene

 (Here's a pic of a frog who decided to come out &
                                                                                                  weather the storm with us, we called her "Irene") 

Luckily we were not affected as badly as the weatherman had fore casted.  We did get some water in the basement, but never did loose power, so we were able to use the shop vac to take care of it.  Yay!!  And other than a few small branches here and there, we do not have much to clean up.  I've heard some rumors that more storms are in the projected forecast, so I am thinking that we are just going to leave everything the way it is.  Just think, we are that much closer to not having to clean up for winter.  Bonus!  Here are a couple pics of how I couped with the constant tornado threats, wind and rain....

I got caught up on alot of sewing.....well maybe not "alot"...

And my hubby went out in the storm late Saturday and brought me back this:

A Vanilla sundae with Chocolate syrup and tons of whipped cream...yes, I am a "stress" eater!! 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hurricane #Irene

Tropical Depression Eight
(photo credit

Well Hurricane #Irene is headed for us, so my family and I have made all preparations that we can think of to be prepared for her hopefully "short" visit.  Several of our local gas stations are already running out of gas, and the grocery stores are insane.  (so thankful I went grocery shopping in the beginning of the week)  My husband just finished sharpening his chainsaw blades, though, I really hope that we will not need to use them. We've spent most of the past few days clearing out the back yard; lawn furniture, toys, etc.  Not to mention doing the dishes, running the laundry and vacuuming.  (you know, just in case we get any guests, hehe.)

But on a more serious note, the American Red Cross has a great site dedicated to preparing your home and family for any event, whether it is for a fire or preparing for a hurricane or earthquake.  Here's a link to the page that I have visited all to often in the past week, first for the earthquake and now for the hurricane.  They have a informative list that you can follow of all of the necessary needs that your family may need, just in case.

I've charged all of our phones, but if you don't see any posts from me for a few days just know that I will be back eventually.  And that more than likely our power is just out, and we are just sitting here chillin' till the power comes back.   My prayers go out to all of us on the East Coast.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mother Nature

City map
(photo credit

Well things have been a little crazy around here, or should I say strange.  First Virgina had an 5.8 earthquake which was felt very easily here, in the suburbs of Philly.  It was felt by the President who was in Martha's Vineyard and was also felt as far south as North Carolina.  No, earthquakes are not very common here, in case you were wondering.  And now we get to look forward to Hurricane Irene this weekend.  As i write this the shore points in New Jersey are being evacuated, scary stuff, huh?  They are calling for 100 mph winds and 6 to 12 inches of rainfall, for us, even higher totals in North Carolina where it is to make landfall.  I am hoping and praying that this Hurricane looses some of her gusto as she descends upon us. Best of luck to everyone that maybe affected.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Trip To Tyler Arboretum

If you are ever in Delaware County and need a great place to take the kids, I highly suggest taking them to Tyler Arboretum, I was just there with my sister, my niece (16), my nephew (almost 9) and my daughter(almost 3), and we all had a blast...yes, even the 16 year old!

Tyler Arboretum is located in Media, Pa and encompasses a whopping total of 650 acres! (Only a few minutes outside of Chester County.) They have over 20 miles of marked nature trails, some of which have actually won awards. It is a great place to pack a lunch and picnic under one of their towering trees.

Quick History...Back in 1681 William Penn signed an agreement with Thomas Minshall, for the property that the Arboretum now occupies. The property was home to the Minshall, Painter and Tyler families. In 1944 Laura Tyler bequeathed the estate to the public as an arboretum.

The main route of the Arboretum is only a little over a mile to walk. It is very accessible by stroller, a plus, especially if you have little children. It takes you by their main exhibits, like their Magical Habitats, were the Gnomes are, see below..

They have several exhibits that house these little fellows. Not to mention fairies, hobbits, enchanted mushrooms & even frogs. My daughter, was searching this house (above) for yes, you guessed it, Gnomeo! Love it! They even have a station where you can stop and try to build your own fairy house. All of these little creature's homes were all made out of something from the woods.

Tyler Arboretum is also featuring 7 Totally Terrific Treehouses. All of which are amazing! Some have some great views and one even had musical instruments which the children could play with till their hearts content. Pictured below is their Cape May Birdhouse Treehouse, my favorite!

But do not be afraid to vary off of your path. We actually walked back to the edge of the property and got to see a Giant Sequoia tree. I had to see it, just in case I never get to make it out to California. Here's a pic...

Now unfortunately a thief, back in 1895 had topped this giant, and took it home for his Christmas Tree. This caused the tree to develop a double trunk. But this specimen is the tallest of its kind in the state of Pennsylvania! Pretty cool, huh? And it is practically right in our backyard!

Tyler Arboretum's Mission: "..To preserve, develop and share our diverse horticultural, historical and natural site resources in order to stimulate stewardship and an understanding of our living world."

I hope you enjoyed this little taste of what Tyler Arboretum offers and hopefully it has inspired you to take your family on a quick little visit!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Buggie Sews Shop Is Now Open!

Well it has been a very busy day, but the Buggie Sews shop is now open on etsy!!  Hollah!!  I have just listed our beautiful Rose Necklaces.  They are very yummy, here's a peek:
They are adorable!!  (if i don't say so myself!)  More coming soon.  Here is the link to the Buggie Sews shop on Etsy.  Buggie Sews!

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Inspiration

So some of you are possibly wondering where I got the inspiration for my Rambling Rose Necklaces. Well I grew up on my Grandparents farm and as far back as I can remember I was either running around in the fields picking corn or helping plant flowers in my grandmothers flower beds. I loved it and still do. So much so that I actually have a degree from Penn State University in Horticultural business.
My days start and end with a walk threw my gardens, yup, it is definitely what inspires me, and continues to do so, on a daily basis.....except when I see weeds or those McNasties, the occasional Japanese beetle.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Back In The Saddle Again!

Ever since I lost my 9 to 5 job, I’ve wondered where am I going, what do I do next? But I think I have found it. I have gone back to my roots and returned to the world of crafting with the help of blogging!
I use to make some sort of handmade creation for my family members every Christmas. It begun with cross stitch then lead to other handmade creations, I really wish that I took pictures of them all. I was so creative back then, back when I did not have a ton of responsibilities. But now! The creative juices are flowing once more. I have alot to learn in both worlds: blogging & selling handmade. I am sure I will have alot of bumps in the road as I go. And I can not wait to share them with you all & hopefully you’ll have alot to share with me too.